Friday, November 7, 2014

November Volunteer Opportunity

Here are the details for the September Volunteer Opportunity. 

Who: GLAM group and anyone who is interested!
Where: 50 S Belmont Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46217
What: We will be volunteering at Midwest Food Bank's warehouse. 
When: November 22nd from 10am - 12pm

Our next volunteer opportunity will be at Midwest Food Bank.   As a faith based organization it is the mission of Midwest Food Bank to alleviate hunger and poverty by gathering and distributing food donations to not-for-profits and disaster sites without cost to the recipients.

They are asking that everyone who volunteers wears sturdy, close-toed shoes like tennis shoes, casual clothing likes jeans and t-shirts, and dresses in layers with jackets or sweatshirts.  We will be working in the warehouse or repackaging room and both can get cool in temperature.

There is also a volunteer waiver that each person needs to fill out and bring with them the day we volunteer.  I couldn't get the waiver to attach so if you are interested in volunteering let Brittany or myself know and we will email you a copy.

This will be a great opportunity to volunteer while learning how Midwest Food Bank makes a difference!

Hope to see you there!


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