Sunday, November 16, 2014

GLAM Meeting Tonight!!!!

Friendly reminder!!!
Tonight is the November GLAM meeting. We will meet at 6 pm at my (Brooke's) house.
If you need directions, please let Brittany or I know.
Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

GLAM Outreach!

Just a friendly reminder of our outreach coming up!

Clean your closets out before the holidays! GLAM is collecting warm, used apparel to donate to the homeless during the winter months. Any sweatshirts, pants, hats gloves, etc. is appreciated!

Get your closets organized and help keep someone warm at same time!

Please let Brittany or myself know if you have anything to donate. 

We will be planning a drop off of donations soon so any last minute items are appreciated!

It's supposed to be another cold winter and we hope to help many homeless keep warm!

Thanks for your help!

December Volunteer Opportunity

Hello all! I mentioned in the CGI post that we would be partnering with them before the end of the year for a volunteer opportunity.  Well we got the date scheduled!  I wanted to go ahead and post it, that way everyone interested could get it on their calendars!

Here are the details for the December Volunteer Opportunity.

Who: GLAM group and anyone who is interested!
Where: Center for Global Impact Store, 2650 Fairview Place Suite W, Greenwood.
What: We will be volunteering in the store at the Center Global Impact.  We will be helping with pricing and inventory.
When: December 14th from 4-6pm

If you have any questions or need directions, feel free to contact Brittany or myself. 

We are excited to volunteer at CGI and look forward to seeing all those who are interested!

Friday, November 7, 2014

November Volunteer Opportunity

Here are the details for the September Volunteer Opportunity. 

Who: GLAM group and anyone who is interested!
Where: 50 S Belmont Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46217
What: We will be volunteering at Midwest Food Bank's warehouse. 
When: November 22nd from 10am - 12pm

Our next volunteer opportunity will be at Midwest Food Bank.   As a faith based organization it is the mission of Midwest Food Bank to alleviate hunger and poverty by gathering and distributing food donations to not-for-profits and disaster sites without cost to the recipients.

They are asking that everyone who volunteers wears sturdy, close-toed shoes like tennis shoes, casual clothing likes jeans and t-shirts, and dresses in layers with jackets or sweatshirts.  We will be working in the warehouse or repackaging room and both can get cool in temperature.

There is also a volunteer waiver that each person needs to fill out and bring with them the day we volunteer.  I couldn't get the waiver to attach so if you are interested in volunteering let Brittany or myself know and we will email you a copy.

This will be a great opportunity to volunteer while learning how Midwest Food Bank makes a difference!

Hope to see you there!


Thursday, November 6, 2014

Center for Global Impact

Hello!  I hope everyone is having a good week.  I promised a more in depth post about Center for Global Impact, so I wanted to get that to you all for those who were interested in learning more!

Again, at our last GLAM meeting we had a speaker, Alicia, from Center for Global Impact.

Center for Global Impact, or CGI, is an organization that seeks to bring the Good News of Jesus to those in the grip of poverty and bondage. They do this practically by providing a pathway out of poverty through education, vocational training and business development. Primarily working in Cambodia, many of those they serve are victims of — or vulnerable to — human trafficking.

CGI hopes and prays for a future in which those they serve experience the freedom, dignity and fullness of life that comes when we enter into relationship with Jesus Christ.

Center for Global Impact empowers the poor, protects the vulnerable and shares the gospel.

Alicia went into great detail on how the organization was founded and what they were hoping to achieve.  She explained how they came to focus on Cambodia and shared many success stories of their work.

CGI achieves it's mission through different projects that help empower and raise money for people in Cambodia.

One of these projects is the Imprint Program.  The Imprint Project is an intensive 18-month life skills program that focuses on spiritual formation, general education and vocational seamstress training.

One of its most successful projects is byTavi.  byTavi is a design label named after a woman who sought out CGI for help to better herself and her family.  When Tavi came to CGI in 2008, she found herself in a desperate situation. Her husband recently taken by AIDS, she was the sole caregiver of her two young children and an elderly aunt. Being HIV positive, she was weak and had no resources to sufficiently care for herself, let alone her family. Aware of her culture’s common acceptance of trafficking children to make ends meet, she desperately sought a better solution.She approached CGI and requested a sewing machine and seamstress training. Three short years after she began sewing pillow covers, she had inspired over thirty other women in her community to join a sewing team, whose products were to be labeled byTavi.

Today, the byTavi Workshop serves as much more than a vocational training project. Beyond seamstress training, CGI desires each woman to realize and reach her full potential. With this in mind, they develop promising young leaders through retreats and additional responsibilities in the workshop. In fact, the byTavi Project is fully managed by a team of women previously employed as seamstresses.

CGI also has a culinary training program.  The Culinary Training Center is an 18-month training program that teaches kitchen and restaurant management skills to at-risk girls.  Located in Battambang, Cambodia, the CTC is complemented by two CGI-operated restaurants: The Green Mango CafĂ© and Bakery and the Red Chili Mexican Grill. In addition to a culinary education, students gain service experience and employment in these two restaurants. The Red Chili, in particular, is designed to impart upper-level leadership skills to CTC graduates.

The last project Alicia explained, was CGI Kids.  CGI kids is really cool because it allows kids to come up with ideas of things they can do and money they can raise here to send over to help in Cambodia.  Kids get to choose what they want to do to raise money, and how they want the money spent.  So one child, donated his birthday.  He had everyone bring money for his CGI project instead of presents and he decided he wanted it to be used as playground equipment at a school in Cambodia.

All of these projects help raise funds and awareness to CGI's goal in Cambodia.

There is also a store here in Greenwood at the CGI location that sells byTavi and Imprint items.  Perfect for us women!  Alicia had some of the items at our meeting.  I bought this gorgeous byTavi scarf.

Alicia's presentation was very informative and eye opening.  We can't wait to pair with Center for Global Impact in December,  More to come on that volunteer opportunity.

If you'd like to find out more information about CGI, go to

Thanks again Alicia for coming and sharing all about the Center for Global Impact!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

November GLAM Meeting

Hello all! Hope everyone had a great weekend! I wanted to get the next GLAM meeting info out so everyone can mark their calendars!

Sunday, November 16th at 6:00 PM
Brooke's House (me!)

If you need directions or have any questions, please contact Brittany or myself. We look forward to seeing you all!

Monday, October 27, 2014

October Meeting Notes

Hello all!  Hope everyone had a great weekend and enjoyed the nice weather.  Our October meeting was on October 19th.  I wanted to get the meeting notes out for those of you who were unable to attend.

This meeting was different than others because we didn't have a specific lesson.  Instead, we had a speaker and a craft, with more of an open forum.  It was fun to switch it up!

Our speaker was Alicia from Center for Global Impact.  I will definitely do a more in depth write up on the presentation later this week, but it was very interesting.  According to their website, CGI seeks to bring the Good News of Jesus to those in the grip of poverty and bondage. They do this practically by providing a pathway out of poverty through education, vocational training and business development. Primarily working in Cambodia, many of those they serve are victims of — or vulnerable to — human trafficking.

Alicia explained a lot of the different fundraisers and projects they do to obtain this mission.  Her presentation brought a lot of awareness to the group.  It was neat to hear of all the great things CGI is doing to make a difference.  We hope to pair with CGI later this year for our one of our volunteer opportunities.  

If you'd like to find out more information, go to

Thanks Alicia for coming and sharing all about the Center for Global Impact!

After the speaker, Brittany read us a post from the blog "Girlfriends in God."  It was about a choice that changes everything.  Basically the story was about a woman who's family was in a waiting period while her husband's company went through a merger.  They didn't know if he would keep his job or not.  She explains that during that time they had to choose to trust in God no matter how much doubt and worry they had. 

The author of the blog compared her story to the book of Ruth.  In the book of Ruth, two women, Naomi and Ruth faced difficult circumstances and an uncertain future.  Ruth remained loyal to her mother in law Naomi during hard times.  God used this faithful friendship to bless the two women.  Like Naomi and Ruth's story the blog author had to choose to trust God and stated, "Choosing to trust is essential.  When we make the choice to trust God it changes everything." 

From this story we learn that we can trust God by deciding in our hearts to remain faithful. 

Proverbs 3:5-6 says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all the ways you acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

Then we completed a Halloween activity.  Since everyone loves pumpkins, Brittany handed out a pumpkin to each person and we were to write things on it that we are thankful for.  Brittany said we could put the pumpkin up at work or home, somewhere we could look at it and be reminded of what we are thankful for, especially during trying times.  We all have so much to be thankful for, but sometimes it is hard to call it out.  Especially the little things.  That's why this activity was perfect!

 Our GLAM challenge is to read the book of Ruth by our next meeting.  It's only 4 chapters!

I will add our next meeting and volunteer opportunities to the blog here soon as well as prayer requests.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

GLAM Meeting Tonight!

Friendly reminder!!!

Tonight is the October GLAM meeting. We will meet at 6 pm at my (Brooke's) house.

If you need directions, please let Brittany or I know.

Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

October GLAM Meeting Reminder

Hello all!

Just wanted to remind you all of the next GLAM meeting.  It will be this Sunday, 10/19 at 6:00 PM at my (Brooke's) house. 

We will be having a speaker from CGI, a group we plan to partner with for future volunteer opportunities.  We are very excited to pair with this group and to have the owner speak at our GLAM meeting. 

Hopefully we have a lot of people interested and have a great turn out!!! 

Let Brittany or I know if you need directions.  Hope to see you there!

Monday, October 13, 2014

GLAM Outreach!

Hello all!  I wanted to make you all aware of an outreach project GLAM is heading up!

Clean your closets out before the holidays!  GLAM is collecting warm, used apparel to donate to the homeless during the winter months.  Any sweatshirts, pants, hats gloves, etc. is appreciated! 

Get your closets organized and help keep someone warm at same time!

Please let Brittany or myself know if you have anything to donate. 

We really appreciate any donation.  It's supposed to be another cold winter and we hope to help many homeless keep warm!

Thanks for your help!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Don't Talk About It, Pray About It

Hello all!  Hope everyone had a great weekend.  I was looking at my Timehop and things I posted on social media this day but different years and this powerful quote came up.  It fits perfectly with our September topic of prayer.  I guess I have been working on praying more for awhile.  :)

Friday, September 26, 2014

Prayer Requests from September Meeting

Here are the prayer requests we received from our September GLAM meeting. Again,  I decided not to use names in case it's a more private issue, but I have included enough information so you are able to pray!

*Please pray for strength and answers for a family in Greenwood.  The little girl was recently taken to Riley for seizures.  She has been through a lot of testing to try and find out what is going on.

*Please pray for strength and comfort for a Greenwood woman who was diagnosed with ALS.

*Please pray for comfort for Marla's father in law who has had a lot of sickness and trouble managing the pain.

*Please continue to pray for 3 members of my family who are losing their jobs because of their company closing its Indianapolis offices.  We have had an answer to prayers because the company has extended the end date to November, giving them all more time to look for new employment.

*Please continue to pray for strength and healing for a former Greenwood teacher who is suffering from cancer.

*Please continue to pray for strength and healing for a workout buddy of Brittany and Lisa's who is also suffering from cancer.

*Please continue to pray for strength and healing for a coworker of Lauren's mom as her cancer has returned.

Let me know if I forgot any or if you have something to add!  There is power in prayer!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Work Your Schedule Around God

Hello all!  I need to get up prayer requests today but I stumbled across this awesome quote from Joyce Meyers and had to get it on the blog for everyone to see.  It goes perfectly with our September lesson on Prayer.

“Spending time with God is the key to our strength and success in all areas of life. Be sure that you never try to work God into your schedule, but always work your schedule around Him.”
~Joyce Meyer

I have really been trying to work on this since our last meeting.  It's hard because we all get so busy and think we can push our time with God to later, and then it eventually gets knocked out of the day or cut short.  If instead we work our schedule around God, putting him first, all of the rest of the day will follow and fall right into place. 

It's all about changing your thinking.  Instead of the to do list leading my day I need to rely on God and make sure I spend quality time with Him.


Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Choose to Move Event

I wanted to let you all know how the Choose to Move event went this last weekend.

 The GLAM members that attended said it was an awesome event.  There was a live band, snacks, and good fellowship.  There were people of all ages and race skill, and even dogs!

The event was for a great cause.  All proceeds went to the Indiana Parkinson's Foundation.  There were over 700 participants and over $30,000 dollars was raised for the foundation. 

What an amazing turnout!

Below is a picture of some GLAM members and their family before the race.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Euchre Night at The Hearth

I wanted to fill everyone in on a fun night some of the GLAM members had with The Hearth residents.

 We did some volunteering between scheduled GLAM monthly volunteer sessions and decided to play cards with the residents at The Hearth. 

It was so much fun! We had 3 tables going between residents and GLAM members.  There was a beginners table, a intermediate table, and an advanced table.  When I say advanced I mean it!!!  We have a family member who actually lives at The Hearth.  She was at the advanced table and she was a card shark!

It was a great time to really get to know the residents while enjoying something they love to do.  The residents seemed to enjoy themselves and many of them even asked how often we would be back. 

I will let you all know when we go again.  I definitely recommend coming a long even if you aren't they best card player.  We had great teachers!

To advertise to it's residents that there would be a card night The Hearth made fliers.  The fliers said Euchre with Lisa.  So, Brittany and I decided we needed a picture by the sign for the blog. :)

October GLAM Meeting

Hello all!  Hope everyone had a great weekend!  I wanted to get the next GLAM meeting info out so everyone can mark their calendars!

Sunday, October 19th at 6:00 PM
Brooke's House (me!)

If you need directions or have any questions, please contact Brittany or myself.  We look forward to seeing you all!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

September Volunteer Opportunity

Here are the details for the September Volunteer Opportunity

Who: GLAM group and anyone who is interested!
Where: Saxony in Fishers
What: Choose To Move, which is a race where all proceeds will go to the Indiana Parkinson's Foundation.  There is a 10K run, 5K walk/run, and 1 mile walk/run.
When: September 20th at 9 AM

My aunt, and GLAM member Marla is a part of organizing this event.  She said you can register all the way up to the event and can find more information at  If you just want to volunteer, come and we are sure there is plenty to do to help, even if it is just cheering on the participants.  You can also donate money any time to the Indiana Parkinson's Foundation. You can have your donation registered under her husband's name, South side Climb - Kevin Pace. 

This event should be fun!  It will be a great way to raise awareness while getting some exercise and enjoying the fall weather.  There will be food trucks and activities for children as well.

Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

September Meeting Notes

Hello everyone!  Hope you all had a great weekend.  Our September GLAM meeting on Sunday was really great.  We had a lot of good discussion and suggestions on the topic. 

I wanted to get the notes out for those of you who were unable to make it and want to follow along.

Our September GLAM meeting topic was: What is Prayer?

Brittany included her definition of prayer.  She listed that prayer is simply talking to God, building that relationship with him and speaking to him as a friend or a parent. 

1st John 3:1 states, "The Father has loved us so much that we are called children of God.  And we really are his children."

Therefore prayer should be just as easy as a conversation between us and our parents.  God is our parent. We should feel comfortable and enjoy praying to him. 

In the meeting we focused on 3 great truths about prayer.

1st Truth:

It is the nature of God to hear and Answer prayers. 

There were two verses Brittany had found to really confirm that God is there for us, to hear us, and answer our prayers.

Psalm 65:2 - "You hear our prayers, all people will come to you."

Hebrews 12:6 - "So we can be sure when we say, 'I will not be afraid, the Lord is my helper.'"

Both are great examples of how God hears us, protects, us, helps us, and answers us.

2nd Truth:

It is impossible to know God or please him without believing and trusting in the fact that he hears and answers prayer. 

If we don't believe or trust that God answers prayers then how will we ever really know him or have a relationship with him where we can rely on him to help us?

Isaiah 40:25-28 - "God, the Holy One says, 'Can you compare me to anyone? Is anyone equal to me?'  Look up to the skies.  Who created all these stars?  He leads out the army of heaven one by one and calls all the stars by name.  Because he is strong and powerful not one of them is missing."

Genesis 28:15 - "I am with you and will protect you everywhere you go and will bring you back to this land.  I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you."

God is so amazing.  He has created EVERYTHING and is so powerful.  Why would be not believe that he can answer prayers?  That last line of the Genesis verse is so powerful.  He will not leave us until he has done what he promised.  If our prayers don't seem answered yet, he must not be done!

Another great scripture Brittany included for believing in God was Hebrews 11:6.

Hebrews 11:6 - "Without faith no one can please God,  Anyone who comes to God must believe that he is real and that he rewards those who truly want to find him."

It is important to believe he will, and he will!

Third Truth:

Every attribute of God is implied in the fact that he hears and answers prayer.

Four man attributes confirming this are:

1. God is a living God
2. Gos is all knowing and omniscient
3. God is all powerful and supernatural
4. He is a God of miracles

It is impossible to know or believe without trust.  God is ours for all eternity.  We can have a rock solid foundation for a relationship because he never changes.  He is always there for us and loves us. 

We ended the discussion with a powerful reminder.  God is knocking on our heart's door waiting for us to let him in. 

September Challenge:

Pray at least once a day to get in the habit of setting time aside for you to speak with God and build on your relationship with him!

After best practices from the group, some of us also decided to add the challenge of starting each day by naming 3 things we are thankful for!

I will add our next meeting and volunteer opportunities to the blog here soon as well as prayer requests.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Meeting Reminder

Friendly reminder!!!

Tonight is the next meeting of GLAM. If you are interested and able to come, meet at 6 PM at Lisa's house.

If you need directions let me or Brittany know.

Can't wait to see you all!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Have You Completed the August GLAM Challenge?

Happy Friday!!!  With our September meeting coming up I wanted to see how people are coming on the August GLAM Challenge.

Remember at our first meeting, (or in the notes I posted if you weren't there) Brittany challenged us all to extend an invitation to the next GLAM meeting to someone who might want to check it out. 

Now, if you just learned about GLAM, your new person to bring to the meeting could be yourself! 

The main goal was to get the word out there about the new group and to help people feel welcome to be a part of GLAM whenever they can!

I have really spread the word about the group and our goal and I have invited women left and right.  So, hopefully there are A LOT of new faces. 

The meeting is this Sunday and we look forward to seeing everyone who can come!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Our Next Volunteer Opportunity

Hello all! I know it's been about a week since our last GLAM post.  Sorry! I have been busy birthday celebrating :)   I wanted get back in the swing of things by letting you all know about our next volunteer opportunity!

Who: GLAM group and anyone who is interested in volunteering
Where: The Hearth
What: We are going to volunteer our time and have some fun playing cards with the residents. 
When: September 15th at 6:30 PM

If you can make it great!  This will be a great opportunity to volunteer and meet the residents while relaxing and playing cards.  I hear some of the residents can get a little competitive so we should be in for an exciting time!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Pursue Your Purpose

Hello all!  Hope everyone is having a great week.

 One of the GLAM members brought a devotional to my attention that aligns perfectly with our first meeting topic.  I decided to share it on the blog to get another point of view on the topic.

  The devotional was written by Joyce Meyers.  I really enjoy reading what she has to say.  She breaks it down and applies it perfectly to everyday life. She also tells it how it is, and I think we could all use a little of that in our lives!

Here is what Joyce wrote for her devotional today:
But seek (aim at and strive after) first of all His kingdom and His righteousness (His way of doing and being right), and then all these things taken together will be given you besides. —Matthew 6:33
Have you ever thought, “What is my purpose in life?” Each of us wants to feel we have a purpose . . . that we’re making a meaningful difference in the world.
God has a purpose for each of us, and that is to do right and glorify God.
How do you pursue your purpose? By getting up each day and putting God first. There are many other things we may be tempted to chase after—job position, education, relationships, money, material possessions, and so on. But too often when you attain these things your life is just as empty and unfulfilled as when you started.
God knows what you need and is well aware of your heart’s desires, and He will grant them if you will just pursue your purpose by seeking Him first.

This is so important to remember.  I am a Christian and strive to live right through God's eyes but I don't always wake up and put God FIRST.  As normal human beings we have a million things on our minds when we start our days, but as important as they seem, we need to focus on God and putting him first.  He will help us realize our purpose and get through all the obstacles!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Shopping for a Cause

Hello! Hope everyone had a wonderful, long weekend!  Just wanted to update you all on another volunteer opportunity that Brittany was a part of. 

Crosspoint Church in Fishers, where Brittany has attended many times since moving up there, had a drive at the beginning of the school year to help IPS students get uniforms.  Brittany participated and bought a couple different uniforms to help students in need. 

This was a great opportunity to help out and be a part of making a difference for the families impacted!

Friday, August 29, 2014

Concert at The Hearth

Hello all!  Hope everyone is ready for a 3 day weekend.  I  sure am! I wanted to give an update, for those who couldn't make it, on how volunteering at The Hearth went. 

Unfortunately, I was unable to attend due to work commitments, but I have gotten great feedback.  My husband went (yes, even though GLAM is for women, all extra curricular activities men are definitely more than welcome) and said everyone had a good time.

The group that volunteered met early to help set up.  After they did a little decorating and rearranging of furniture, they helped residents down to to concert.  Once everyone that wanted to attend was there the group was able to chat and get to know some of the residents. 

Everyone I talked to really enjoyed helping out and getting involved at The Hearth.  It was a great event for GLAM's first time volunteering. This opportunity opened up the chance for GLAM to do more.  We actually have a date set up to go back and play cards with some of the residents.  I will post that information soon!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Today's GLAM Volunteer Opportunity!

I just wanted to remind everyone of the volunteer opportunity today. If you are free tonight and are interested in volunteering we would love to have you!

Everyone will be meeting at The Hearth on 135 in Greenwood at 5:00pm.  Look for Brittany!  The Hearth is having a concert and needs helping getting residents outside to the event.  Once all volunteers arrive we will be wheeling or walking residents down and then enjoying some conversation and music.

The even should last about an hour.  It will be a fun opportunity for GLAM's first volunteer even!

Monday, August 25, 2014


Hello all! Brooke here :)  Hope everyone had a wonderful, warm weekend.  I wanted to share a picture Brittany had put in the notes from our first meeting.  This picture really hit me and made me think.

Wow.  What a powerful truth.  I struggle with this a lot.  I am such a planner and if I don't have all the details or see the whole picture, I get nervous.  It's a fear of failing.  But, this quote really went well with our meeting and is something we need to use to steer our lives.  We don't have to see it all to take the first step.  It's about trust.  If we trust in God's plan then it should be a lot easier to take that first step or to make the change.

I am REALLY going to work on this.  I need to let go of my own fears and worries and just trust the plan and the almighty planner :) 

Hope everyone has a great Monday!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Prayer Requests from August Meeting

Here are the prayer requests we received from our August GLAM meeting.  I decided not to use names in case it's a more private issue, but I have included enough information so you are able to pray!

*Please pray for 3 members of my family who are losing their jobs at the end of September because of their company closing its Indianapolis offices. 

*Please pray for my good friend who has recently moved and is looking for a job in her new town.

*Please pray for strength and healing for a former Greenwood teacher who is suffering from cancer.

*Please pray for strength and healing for a workout buddy of Brittany and Lisa's who is also suffering from cancer.

*Please pray for strength and healing for a coworker of Lauren's mom as her cancer has returned. 

Let me know if I forgot any.  I don't have my notes with me, but I wanted to get these requests up so people could start praying!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Next GLAM Meeting

I wanted to get the September meeting information posted.  We will be switching location often so that hopefully we hit all sides of town and no one has to always drive far for the meetings. 

The next meeting is September 14th, at 6 PM. 

We will be meeting at Lisa Bricker's house.  If you need directions feel free to send me a message.

Hope to see you at the next GLAM meeting!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

August Volunteer Opportunity

Here are the details for the August Volunteer Opportunity

Who: GLAM group and anyone who is interested in volunteering
Where: The Hearth
What: The Hearth is having a summer concert and needs volunteers to help walk or wheel their residents down to the event. 
When:August 27th at 5:30pm

If you can make it great!  This should be a fun opportunity to get our feet wet in the volunteering pool, have some good conversation, and listen to some good music!

August Meeting Notes

Hello all! Brooke here. I am finally getting some things done on the site. Thank you for being patient!

Here are the notes from the August meeting.

8/17/14 was our first meeting and it was a great one. We focused on the topic, God's Will for My Life" asking ourselves, what does God want me to do? We dug deeper into this question by splitting it up into 3 focuses.

1. What should you be doing today?

2. What will you be doing in the future?

3. Is there something special God wants me to do?

The first focus was on what we should be doing today. God's Will for My Life in the Present. We looked to the Bible for guidance and went over two verses that really described God's will for our lives.

Romans 12:1

"So Brothers and sisters, since God has shown us great mercy, I beg you to offer your lives as a living sacrifice to him. Your offering must be only for God and pleasing to him, which is the spiritual way for you to worship."

Romans 12:2

"Do not change yourselves to be like the people of this world, but be changed within by a new way of thinking." Then you will be able to decide what God wants for you; you will know what is good and pleasing to him and what is perfect."

Our second focus was on what we should be doing in the future. God's Will for Me in the Future. We really focused on one verse to help guide us towards God's will for our future.

Ephesians 5:18

"Do not be drunk with wine, which will ruin you, but be filled with the Spirit."

The third and final focus of our first meeting was, How do I Know if God Has Something Special He Wants Me to Accomplish?

A lot of us struggle with knowing our purpose. Not everyone is meant to lead a church or help on a mission trip, but how do we know what we are to do to make a difference? The verses we looked to really help to put trust in the Lord and his plan.

Matthew 22:37

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind."

Ephesians 2:10

"God has made us what we are. In Christ Jesus, God made us good to do good works, which God planned in advance for us to live our lives doing."

The August team challenge is to invite one person to our September GLAM meeting.

Our first meeting was a great one to start GLAM.

I will be adding the details of prayer requests, our next meeting, and the volunteer opportunity here soon so hang tight!

What is GLAM?

 Hello all!

Welcome to the GLAM page. Brooke here.  I wanted the first post of the page to explain what GLAM is.  The about GLAM section has some details, but I am hoping to break it down more here and really explain what this group is about. 

My sister, Brittany Bradley, started GLAM.  Brittany is a Christian, strong in her faith.  She will be the first to admit though, that there is definitely room for her to learn and grow in her faith. 
Brittany really had a heavy pull on her heart that she wanted to do more, be a part of more, and learn more.  Starting a Bible study was something that really seemed interesting and exciting to her.  And so GLAM was born.

GLAM is a great name.  It stands for Godly Women Aspiring More.  Plus, women are glamorous so it was a perfect! 

Brittany isn't the end all to be all.  She's never taught a Bible study and has a lot to learn about the Bible herself, but she has a passion and really wanted to start something where women can do more, learn more, help more, teach more, participate more, BE more.

GLAM isn't meant to be a normal Bible study.  There are teachings and readings and ways we can dive into the word.  But, there will also be volunteering, speakers, outreach, group activities etc.

If you can come one time and can't the next, we still would love to have you.  Don't feel like you need to commit to something extra.  We would love to have you as part of the group any time you are available.

There aren't any guidelines for GLAM.  If you love God and are aspiring for more, you have come to the right place.

 I am so lucky to be a part of this group.  And the official blogger. :)  I really enjoy blogging and Brittany knows that, so she asked me if I would be willing to take on the blog for the group.  I am happy to because I too feel a need to be more and really feel this group and this blog will help me grow. 

Hope this post explained more and got you all excited about GLAM.  I will be posting meeting information, volunteer information, notes from the meeting for people who missed, as well as quotes and verses that will hopefully help us all.

Look to this blog for all things GLAM!